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Brand Advertising

Brand advertising is a strategy to build brand recognition in order to establish strong, long-term credibility with consumers. This requires establishing a brand identity - a concept that customers can associate with a brand - that distinguishes this brand from the many similar products in the market. The more customers a company can make aware of their brand, the more loyalty they can expect throughout the buying journey. Apple, for example, uses brand advertising to set themselves apart by keeping their ads and products simple, and now it’s one of the most recognizable brands in the market.

According to App Annie, the average person spends 4.8 hours a day on their phone - and apps account for over 90% of internet time on smartphones. As a result, in-app advertising has become the fastest growing form of mobile advertising in the market. Top brands today utilize a variety of different ad formats on mobile apps, including interactive end cards, rewarded videos, and more.

Learn more about running a brand advertising campaign with ironSource Exchange
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